How common are stomach ulcers in horses?
I am sure you have heard the saying "no hoof, no horse" ? Well, in many ways, the same can be said of the digestive system. Did you know that stomach ulcers are prevalent in an astonishing 94% of racehorses, 90% of high-level endurance horses, and even 55% of show horses.
Importantly, research has shown that work, travel and stress can all cause stomach ulcers. Furthermore, it's not just the stomach. Issues within the hind gut, can also be responsible for poor performance, behavioural and attitudinal issues in horses.
What is our approach to digestive management of horses at risk of stomach ulcers?
Our approach to digestive support is to rebalance and restore the gut and protect it during work and travel. This strategy typically starts with a course of our Equine Digestion Bars or Equine Digestion Bars Plus.
These bars are no ordinary digestive supplement, with natural ingredients designed to reduce the activity of the stomach, protect and promote healing, reduce inflammation and rebalance the gut microbiome. The Plus bars are particularly beneficial for horses with a history of glandular ulcers, because they contain additional ingredients to support and protect the stomach lining in the lower region of the stomach. Read more about the differences between ulcer types in our blog). Once the horse's gut has been restored and rebalanced by the bars, we recommend a maintenance bar per day, or a daily support product like our Equine Digest-Aid.
The second 'prong' of this strategy is to protect the horse's gut during high risk periods of work and travel using our Digestive Support Elixir and/or Equine Pre-Work Bars. Read more about why it is so important to protect the gut during work and travel in our blog.
Is my horse's anxiety related to the gut?
Quite possibly. Reactivity to stress is intrinsically linked (read more in our blog). Therefore, it is wise to address both the gut and the mind when dealing with digestive issues, such as stomach ulcers.
What products do I need for my horse?
Take our quiz to find our which digestive supplement strategy is right for YOUR horse.
Equine Athlete Digestive Support Bundle