Do you want to help your horse to fulfill their potential?
Close your eyes, and visualise the perfect ride between you and your horse... what does that look like for you? Maybe it's a ribbon, a trophy, or moving up the grades in your discipline, perhaps performing a perfect test, activity or exercise? Whatever your personal goal is, you need to ensure that your horse is supported in every way from the inside out.
What you need to consider?
Healthy digestive function is a vital for every horse. Simply put, if that their digestive system is not functioning properly, then their food and additional supplements are not absorbed correctly, so keeping the horse in a status quo, and wasting often expensive, and possibly even unnecessary supplements (horses often change in nature when their digestive system is not functioning correctly). So, establishing and protecting your horse's digestive tracts with our digestive support products is the first step in setting your horse up for success. From that foundation, our products build to support their requirements for key vitamins and minerals (Performance mineral mix), assist with recovery of muscle function during and after competition (Equine Recovery Bars), or boost stamina and reduce lactic acid (Equine Met-Aid Bars).